Five Little Babies Jumping on the Bed | Baby Songs | Educational


Five Little Babies Jumping on the Bed | Baby Songs | Educational with tags nursery rhymes, baby songs, kids songs, children songs, nursery songs, songs for kids, lullaby songs for children, kids songs online, baby songs video, songs for babies, english songs for kids, baby baby song, music for babies, lullaby songs, kids music, surprise eggs, five little babies

Most Popular Videos: here: Little Babies | Baby Songs | EducationalOh no! The little babies are jumping on the bed! Will baby joy joy save them? Help your baby learn to count to 5 with this exciting video.Baby Joy Joy features educational baby songs, nursery rhymes, and kids songs. You can watch all of Baby Joy Joy's most popular videos here: all of our newest kids songs and nursery rhymes here from Baby Joy Joy: sure to Subscribe to Baby Joy Joy by clicking this link: little babies jumping on the bed(echo)One fell off and bumped his head(echo)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said(echo)No more babies jumping on the bed(echo)Four little babies jumping on the bed(echo)One fell off and bumped her head(echo)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said(echo)No more babies jumping on the bed(echo)Three little babies jumping on the bed(echo)One fell off and bumped his head(echo)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said(echo)No more babies jumping on the bed(echo)Two little babies jumping on the bed(echo)One fell off and bumped her head(echo)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said(echo)No more babies jumping on the bed(echo)One little baby jumping on the bed(echo)He fell off and bumped his head(echo)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said(echo)No more babies jumping on the bed(echo)03:23 ABC Song06:58 Are You Sleeping12:09 Pop! Goes the Weasel15:42 Be Kind to Your Family18:13 Shapes and Colors20:38 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes25:48 Hickory Hickory Dock Odd Numbers28:13 Mary Had a Little Lamb33:11 Happy Birthday Baby Frog!35:47 Five Little Speckled Frogs40:09 Wheels on the Bus44:53 5 Little Baby Frogs on a Slide48:08 Three Little Kittens53:10 Ive Got a Feeling55:02 Five Little Ducks59:04 Itsy Bitsy Spider