FIND the USA Flag! | A Drew Pendous Superhero Story! | Fun Kids Games at Cool School

FIND the USA Flag! | A Drew Pendous Superhero Story! | Fun Kids Games at Cool School with tags cool school, cool school videos, kids videos, videos for kids, cartoons for kids, kids, cartoons, cartoons for children, animated cartoons, childrens cartoons, storybook, funny animated cartoons, funny cartoons, fourth of july games, fourth of july for kids, find it games, kids games for kids, kids games, drew pendous ms booksy, ray blank, drew pendous cruel school cool school, drew pendous ray eraser, drew pendous crafty carol, drew pendous evil twin
Order Drew Travels to Ancient Egypt AND Drew Pendous and The Camp Color War's time for another Find It Game! Remember the time where Ray Blank ERASED the Declaration of Independence?! Let's re-watch that story again but this time see if YOU can spot all the hidden American flags in the story! Subscribe to Cool School's Channel: Fun Kids' Videos:Best of Cool School: Time with Ms. Booksy: and Crafts with Crafty Carol: Stupendous Drew Pendous: It Games! | Cool School: Cool School on Facebook: Cool School on Twitter: Cool School on Instagram: Cool School on Pinterest: School is a place where daring superheroes, funny storytellers, kooky arts & crafts teachers, and mean-o villains unite to learn, laugh, play...and fight (only sometimes)! Whether you're going on exciting adventures with Drew Pendous, watching stories come to life with Ms. Booksy, or making super fun crafts with Crafty Carol, it's never a boring day at Cool School! Our curriculum goes wherever your imagination will take it. Cool School is the school of every kid's dreams, because it's the COOLEST school ever!