Earthquake Safety Song 🌍😨 | + More Funny Kids Songs 😻🐨🐰🦁 And Nursery Rhymes by Baby Zoo


Earthquake Safety Song 🌍😨 | + More Funny Kids Songs 😻🐨🐰🦁 And Nursery Rhymes by Baby Zoo with tags disaster preparedness, earthquake awareness, earthquake drills, earthquake preparedness, earthquake safety, earthquake safety for children, earthquake safety tips., emergency response, natural disasters, safety tips for kids

#babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs

Are you prepared for an earthquake? πŸŒŽπŸ”΄ It can be a scary experience, but don't worry - we've got you covered with our catchy and fun earthquake safety song. Join us as we sing and dance along to our song, complete with helpful tips and tricks to stay safe during an earthquake. πŸŽΆπŸ’ƒ

Our music here πŸ˜‰