Donut Sports Competition | Ice Cream, Candy Song, Hamburger Song | Pretend Play | Baby Song |BabyBus


Donut Sports Competition | Ice Cream, Candy Song, Hamburger Song | Pretend Play | Baby Song |BabyBus with tags donut sports competition, ice cream, candy song, hamburger song, pretend play, donot song, baby kitten, cool hamburger vending machine, number song for kids, learn colors, finger family songs, babybus, baby bus, kiki and miu miu, panda, baby bus song, baby panda, baby cartoon, for kids, kids song, nursery rhymes, baby songs, children music, original cartoon, baby shows, panda cartoon, five colored candies, baby panda chef, food song for kids, dessert time

Subscribe to BabyBus Kids TV | Baby Panda Chef | Cooking Pretend Play | Learn Numbers, Learn Colors,Ice Cream | Kids Pretend Play | Kids Song Sports Competition | Ice Cream, Candy Song, Hamburger Song | Pretend Play | Baby Song | BabyBus00:05 Donut Sports Competition02:15 Cool Hamburger Vending Machine05:06 Magical Ice Cream Robot Vending Machine 07:55 Ten Donuts10:02 Baby Panda's Candy Shop12:18 Run away! Hamburgers15:25 Pizza Maker17:49 Amazing Bread Vending Machine20:29 Baby Panda Detective23:43 Baby Kitten Loves Drink Vending Machine26:11 Ten Ice Creams on the Beach29:09 Five Colored Brothers32:44 Cake Maker34:49 Baby Panda Cooking Pretend Play37:27 Ice Pop FingersNursery rhymes in English, canciones en ingls para nios, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, barnvisorna p engelska, Msicas em ingls para crianas, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, , Psniky v anglitin, , , Barnerim p engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, Kids Cartoon, , Cartoon d'enfants, Dibujos Animados Infantiles,Desenhos animados crianas, Phim hot hnh tr em, Kartun Anak-Anak, , , , ,Kinder Cartoon, , Kartun Kanak-kanak, Kinderen cartoon, Barntecknad, #babybus #babybussong #babybuscartoon #kidssong #babycartoonBabyBusBabyBus provides intelligent early childhood educational content online for children up to 6 years of age. BabyBus have developed early educational games, songs, and cartoons focusing on language, health, science, society, and art, all based on Montessori education theory. BabyBus believes "joyful learning" is the starting point of education, and aims to inspire children's delight for learning, to support happy, smart children around the world. Contact us:E-mail: en@babybus.comWebsite: