Don't Pee on the Bed | Baby Shark | Good Habits | Kids Song | Mimi and Daddy | Mimi and Daddy


Don't Pee on the Bed | Baby Shark | Good Habits | Kids Song | Mimi and Daddy | Mimi and Daddy with tags meowmi family show, baby kitten, nursery rhymes, kids songs, baby songs, kid songs, for kids, cartoons, kids cartoon, songs for kids, toddler, kids song, song for children, sing-along, toddler song, learning videos, funny kids song, baby shark, kids cartoons, cartoons for kids, baby cartoons, cartoons for babies, toddler cartoons, funny cartoons, kid cartoons, baby song, #kidssongs, kids, baby cartoon, baby, lagu anak anak, animation, canciones infantiles

Let's learn good habits with Timi!

💕 Lyrics 💕 :

You drank some water before bedtime

Gulp, gulp * 2

You didn’t go to the bathroom before bedtime

No no no no

The bedwetter

shark, shark

will visit you tonight

The bedwetter,

bedwetter shark

Don’t be afraid of it

The bedwetter


The bedwetter


The shark wet its bed, too

Oh no no !

That’s how the shark came!

The bedwetter shark lives in the sea,

everything gets wet when he shows up.

I love sharks.

but I don’t like getting wet.

Then tonight, let’s try…

Don’t drink water before bedtime

Go to the bathroom before bedtime

Yes yes yes yes

The bedwetter

shark, shark

Don’t come, don’t come tonight

The bedwetter shark, shark

visited you again

Enjoy this dentist song and overcome this fear. Get regular dental checkups and keep your teeth healthy!

💕 Lyrics 💕 :

I’m scared, scared

I hate dental clinics

I’m so scared

Ugh~ I’m so scared!

Don’t be afraid

It doesn’t hurt, and you’ll be fine

I’m scared, scared

What is that in your hand?

Does it hurt?

It’s a suction tube.

This is an air-water syringe

It looks like an elephant's trunk, huh?

Don’t be afraid

It doesn’t hurt, and you’ll be fine

A great dentist

A great dentist

will check your teeth


Just open your mouth


No need to be afraid

Meow~ ^•ﻌ•^っ♡ Please leave a 👍, if you like our video.

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—————————Mimi and Daddy—————————

Meow~ Welcome to the Mimi and Daddy's World!

Baby Kitten Mimi, along with her family and friends, is putting on a show that presents their interesting and story-filled daily life.

Play, learning, creativity, diversity, and inclusion are the key features of MeowMi Family Show. There is always something new to learn or explore. During playtime with family and friends, kids learn to embrace differences and share love. What’s more, it will be helpful for kids with their interaction with real world and prepare for experiences they face as part of growing up.

This would be an unforgettable and wonderful live stage show that is full of delightful and playful musical learning experiences!

Subscribe for more fun adventures with Mimi and Daddy!^•ﻌ•^っ♡


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