Do Photons Cast Shadows?


Do Photons Cast Shadows? with tags physics, minutephysics, science

Thanks to CuriosityStream for their support. Go to to watch Particle Fever and get Nebula! Support MinutePhysics on Patreon! to Patreon Supporters: video is about two-photon (gamma-gamma) physics, and how photons can interact with each other - either mediated by a passing lepton, or gravitationally via lensing, or via vacuum fluctuation pair production of vertical particles (electron-positron pair, for example). This is the so-called "box diagram" feynman diagram.REFERENCESWater waves interact with each other (weakly nonlinear shallow water waves) Absorption of Very High Energy Gamma Rays in the Milky Way Observing light-by-light scattering at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Scale Depth electromagnetic spectrum and photon energies Lensing an Astrophysicist on gamma ray scattering and energies in cosmology Vacuum Polarisation with High Power Lasers vacuum birefringence with X-ray free electron lasers and high-power optical lasers birefringence in the head-on collision of XFEL and optical high-intensity laser pulses makes first direct detection of Light-by-light scattering at the LHC Photon Physics The Opacity of the Universe for high and very high energy -rays is on twitter - @minutephysicsAnd facebook - Google+ (does anyone use this any more?) - Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!Created by Henry Reich