"Digging In The Dirt!" Construction Vehicles Dance 🚜 /// Danny Go! Movement Activity Songs for Kids


"Digging In The Dirt!" Construction Vehicles Dance 🚜 /// Danny Go! Movement Activity Songs for Kids with tags danny go, danny go!, danny go kids songs, kids dance song, dance songs for kids, kindergarten songs, brain break songs, digging in the dirt, digging in the dirt danny go, construction trucks for toddlers, construction vehicles song, construction song blippi, construction song cocomelon, excavator song, excavator for kids, excavator song blippi, kids construction videos, construction machines for toddlers, trucks for kids, truck songs for kids, danny go construction

Calling all hard workers! πŸ‘·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ› πŸ‘·πŸ» It's time to dig in the dirt like an excavator, bulldozer and some other big machines! Dance along with Danny to this upbeat movement song all about construction vehicles...and see if you can master the dirt-digging game! πŸ•Ή


Start with a bulldozer, big and tough

Just pushing around all the rocks and stuff

Dump truck is next, with a heavy load

Lean back, drop it off, get back on the road

The machines are getting stronger

Working faster, working longer

Oh, I love to hear those engines thunder...

Digging in the dirt, digging in the dirt

Digging in the dirt, digging in the dirt

We're moving the earth, moving the earth

It's hard work, hard work, hard work

Digging in the dirt

Let's be a compactor, see that roller spin

Makes the ground so flat everywhere it's been

We're an excavator, great for digging holes

With that long arm, we got this under control

The machines are getting stronger

Working faster, working longer

Oh, I love to hear those engines thunder...

Digging in the dirt, digging in the dirt

Digging in the dirt, digging in the dirt

We're moving the earth, moving the earth

It's hard work, hard work, hard work

Digging in the dirt


Wanna keep dancing? Here's some of our other favorite Danny Go dance songs!

Do your kids enjoy Blippi, Paw Patrol, or Daniel Tiger? Do they dance to catchy songs like Wheels On The Bus or Baby Shark? Then they'll love Danny Go! Sing fun kids dance songs, learn about colors, shapes & numbers, AND visit exciting places like fire truck stations, animal shelters, baseball fields and more!

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