Did You Ever See Pinkfong’s Tail? | Animal Songs of Pinkfong Ninimo | Pinkfong Kids Song


Did You Ever See Pinkfong’s Tail? | Animal Songs of Pinkfong Ninimo | Pinkfong Kids Song with tags kids, baby, rhymes, nursery, best, favorite, songs, baabaa, londonbridge, itsy, spider, humptydumpty, yespapa, johny, papa, yes, wheelsonthebus, haveyouseen

Find Pinkfong's tail with me!

You're watching "Did You Ever See Pinkfong’s Tail? | Animal Songs of Pinkfong Ninimo", an educational and interactive series prepared to you by Pinkfong!

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----- 🎵 Lyrics

My tail is gone!

Please help me find my tail!

Oh no! What happened?

Did you ever see my tail,

my tail, a pig’s tail?

Did you ever see my tail,

my curly, twirly tail?

Is this baby snake your tail?

Is this candy your tail?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!

They're not my tail.

Here it is!

On the tree like a branch!

Oh, yes, yes, yes!

That’s my tail.

Please help me find my tail too!

Did you ever see my tail,

my tail, a turtle’s tail?

Did you ever see my tail,

my short, pointy tail?

Is this lobster your tail?

Is this starfish your tail?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!

They're not my tail.

Here it is!

Between the seaweed!

Oh, yes, yes, yes!

That’s my tail.

Curly, twirly tail, tail.

Short, triangle tail, tail.

Find my tail, tail.

That’s my tail!

Please help me find my tail too!

Did you ever see my tail,

my tail, a mouse’s tail?

Did you ever see my tail,

my long, narrow tail?

Is this worm your tail?

Is this centipede your tail?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!

They're not my tail.

Here it is!

Between the tree’s roots!

Oh, yes, yes, yes!

That’s my tail.

Oh no! My tail is gone too!

Did you ever see my tail,

my tail, Pinkfong’s tail?

Did you ever see my tail,

my pink, furry tail?

Is this bottlebrush your tail?

Is this coral your tail?

Is this broomstick your tail?


Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!

They're not my tail.

There it is!

Around Ninimo’s head!


Oh, yes, yes, yes!

That’s my tail.

Long, narrow tail, tail.

Pink, furry tail, tail.

That’s my tail, tail.

Here is our tail!


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