Diana and Roma Roller Skating 24 Hours Challenge / Learn responsibility from a to-do list

Diana and Roma Roller Skating 24 Hours Challenge / Learn responsibility from a to-do list with tags diana and roma, diana, cartoon, roma and diana, diana y roma, diana roma, diana and roma english, diana and roma en, roller skates, learn to roller skate, roller skating, how to roller skate, roller skate, roller skates, responsibility for kids, to-do list, to-do for kids, daily routing for kids, for kids, routing for kids, responsibility, to do list
Diana loves to ride her new roller skates. The girl accepts the challenge to complete the to-do list by rollerblading all day. Let's see or it will work out for her.
Parents, you can check out more information about the Love, Diana Mashups!
Cheerleader x Roller Skater Doll @Kmart Australia HERE:
Thanks for watching!