Daydreams Imagination Songs For Toddlers Sign Language Songs Lullaby Songs Quiet Time Songs

Daydreams Imagination Songs For Toddlers Sign Language Songs Lullaby Songs Quiet Time Songs with tags baby songs, songs for kids, lullaby music, songs for kids to sleep, daydream songs for kids, imagination songs, sign language songs, quiet time songs, kids songs english, bedtime music for toddlers, bedtime music for toddlers to fall asleep, baby music video, baby music to go to sleep
Toddlers and Children love to use their imagination. This quiet time song is perfect for helping children relax or can be used as a lullaby to go to sleep. Simple sign language is used in the chorus. Daydreams is an easy to sing lullaby song that helps kids feel safe and relaxed.
Daydreams is on the album Play To Rest
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By The Learning Station (Also, known as Leaning Station)
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved)
Daydreams bring you where you want to be.
Use your imagination.
On a quiet hill where the birds will fly,
sitting on the cloud in the big blue sky.
To the beach or the great big sea,
on a boat with an ocean breeze,
you can stay you can go, it’s up to you if you know.
Daydreams bring you where you want to be.
Catching the drops of the pouring rain
in Germany, France, or maybe Spain.
In a train, in a car, I wonder just how far I can dream away.
Come (Come dream with me.) dream with me.
Come dream with me. (Come dream with me.)
Laying in the grass with a butterfly, I think I smell an apple pie!
#Daydreams #LullabySongsForChildren #ImaginationSongs #ToddlersLullabies #QuietTimeSongs #GoToSleepSongs #thelearningstation #SongsForKids #LullabiesForBabies #ToddlerSongs #kidssongs #childrenssongs
#learningstation #SongsForChildren