Cross the Street safely! | Animal Learning Videos | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

Cross the Street safely! | Animal Learning Videos | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes with tags animal songs, dance along, funny songs, kids music, little angel, little angel animals, nursery rhymes, playtime for kids, songs for toddlers, toddler songs, animal sounds, animals, english songs, friends, kids dance, kids education, kids songs, litle angel, little angel, nursery songs, rhymes, sing along, songs for kids
The world can be a scary place, but with the help of your family you can keep safe.
Watch this educational animal kids song by Little Angel Animals #littleangelanimals #littleangelanimalsnurseryrhymes #BabyJohn
Watch this educational animal kids song by Little Angel Animals #littleangelanimals #littleangelanimalsnurseryrhymes #BabyJohn
Song Lyrics:
Be safe Everyone
Watch out Don’t get hurt
When you’re safe
Everyone Gets to play
Running, running down the street
Zooming, zooming On your feet
Take a pause Stop and think
Careful when you run
When you’re safe
Everyone Gets to play
Be safe Everyone
Watch out Don’t get hurt
When you’re safe
Everyone Gets to play
Tie them, tie them Tie your shoes
They can trip you when they’re loose
Take a pause Stop and think
Tie your laces up When you’re safe
Everyone Gets to play
Be safe Everyone
Watch out Don’t get hurt
When you’re safe
Everyone Gets to play
Careful, careful
In the house You could get an ouchy ouch
Take a pause Stop and think
You could hurt yourself
When you’re safe
Everyone Gets to play
Watch Our Playlists:
These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.
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#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes
00:00 Watch Out For Danger
03:45 If I was a Police Officer!
07:22 Car Wash Song
11:08 Ice Cream Song
14:53 Wheels On The Bus (Baby Takes The Wheel)
17:21 My Favourite Shoes