Crazy Car Racing + MORE D Billions Kids Songs


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Cha-Cha, Chicky, Lya-Lya and Boom-Boom compete with each other on Monster trucks. But suddenly, a thief on his truck intervenes and tries to steal the victory from the D Billions. Can the our heroes win the race?

00:00 Crazy Car Racing

02:59 Poor Lonely Troll (Let's Be Caring)

05:22 Lya-Lya & her Happy Family

07:27 Babies Learning Letters (How we pronounce R, L, S)


Welcome to Monster Truck Racing

Riding on a Monster Truck,

Riding on a Monster Truck.

On my truck I'll not get stuck,

On my track I'll not get stuck!

Through the sands

My truck is the fastest.

Through the rain

My truck is waterproof.

Through the dirt

My truck is the most powerful.

Over the hills!

But my truck can jump higher than yours.

Oh, no!

Nobody wins this race except me!

Get some oil, Cha-Cha!

Hold on! I'll catch you!

Can you jump, Boom-Boom?

Guys, I'll catch you!

Can you see through the smoke, Lya-Lya?


Hm, the fastest Chicky! Try to cross over my spikes!


Riding on a Monster Truck,

Riding on a Monster Truck.

On my truck I'll not get stuck,

On my track I'll not get stuck!

#DBillions #crazycarracing #car #race

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