Cookeez Makery Toasty Treatz with OMG Diner Disney Wish and Encanto Characters


Cookeez Makery Toasty Treatz with OMG Diner Disney Wish and Encanto Characters with tags disney encanto, pretend play, disney encanto toys, cookeez makery, disney wish movie, disney wish toys, cookeez makery toaster, cookeez makery toasty treats, cookeez makery how does it work, cookeez toaster

Disney's Wish Asha and Dahlia and Disney's Encanto Mirabel and Isabela go to the OMG Diner to have their delicious toast but what happens when there is no toast?!!! We unbox Cookeez Makery Toasty Treatz! Which cute stuffed toy will we get? There are 6 to collect in wave 1 of series 1.

#disneywish #disneyencanto #cookeezmakery

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