Comparing Decimals - 4th Grade Mage Math Video

Comparing Decimals - 4th Grade Mage Math Video with tags compare decimals, how to compare decimals, compare decimals 4th grade, decimals, place value, 4th grade, compare, decimal numbers, comparing decimals 4th grade, common core, comparing numbers, maths, comparing decimals, ordering decimals, hundredths, decimal, number, ordering decimal numbers, ordering decimals from least to greatest, tenths, thousandths, hundredths place value, decimal place value, decimal digits, expanded form, decimal point, decimal comparison, math, homeschool
Visit to check out our Awesome game and all the other content for teachers and kids. Kids will learn in this video how to compare decimals using greater than, less than and equal to. Know how decimals work can be hard for kids so we made it easy and fun in this great math video for 4th grade kids. Kids will learn that numbers with a decimal like 3.25 is the same as 3 and 25 hundredths. We also help teach that with decimals the place value is very important to note. Decimals start from the tenths to hundredths to thousandths.Please share the video and check out our other videos at now have our Mage Math game at where you can let your kids enjoy a full video game that helps kids build confidence in math. Check it out today!Our math and learning videos are designed to help with the education of children in this important growing phase. The videos teach math and other subjects that help children in their education. We make videos for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade and 6th grade. It is our goal to help kids achieve their potential by giving them a head start in math and other areas of education.Please Subscribe and Share the videos.You can also join us on