Chris learns how to help Mom and his friends | 1 Hour Video


Chris learns how to help Mom and his friends | 1 Hour Video with tags vlad, niki, vlad and niki, kids, kids playing, video for kids, kids stories, toys, kids toys, chris, fun

Chris learns how to help Mom and his friends | 1 Hour Video

00:00 Kids story about sweet machine

04:52 Chris rides on school bus and helps his friends

09:38 Hardworking Mother Story

13:12 Chris turns into magical costumes

17:50 Chris wants to be good brother for Alice

22:54 New Room for baby Alice

27:18 Driver Chris rides a taxi and helps the city rescuers

31:40 Kids story about Bees friends

36:06 Chris and Mom learning and play morning routine

40:56 Niki and Chris learn to cooking for Mom

45:00 Chris and Mom doing shopping in Toy store

48:47 Cube Challenge with Baby Chris

53:27 Open the 10 Doors Adventure

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