Chris and Michael pretend play with toy microwave


Chris and Michael pretend play with toy microwave with tags vlad and niki, kids, kids playing, video for kids, kids stories, learn, toys, kids toys, chris, for kids, fun, family, pretend play, toy, toy microwave, play with toy, cars, toys cars, for children, videos for kids

Chris and Michael pretend play with toy microwave

00:00 Chris and Michael pretend play with toy microwave

04:07 Chris and Michael learn to cook and make an ice cream!

08:03 Vlad and Niki Frozen Toys Challenge

12:33 Chris and Mom Kids story about sweet machine

16:02 Chris and Mom learn good habits for kids

19:07 Chris turned House Into a Trampoline Park!

25:22 Chris and Mom learn to Solve the Mystery Challenge

31:45 Chris and Mom Kids story about Bees friends

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