Chloe Tries to Run Away on Her FIRST Red Carpet!


Chloe Tries to Run Away on Her FIRST Red Carpet! with tags family fun pack, family fun pack alyssa, family fun pack michael, family fun pack twins, family fun pack david, family fun pack owen, family fun pack zac, family fun pack chris, family vlog, red carpet, premier, premiere, hollywood, theater, theatre, movie premier, la, los angeles, supermouth, super mouth, best toothpaste for families, toothpaste with probiotics

We had the amazing opportunity to attend the world premiere of The Rise of SuperMouth at the Dances With Films Festival in Hollywood, CA. It was a great movie--and I have to tell you, it truly inspired us to brush our teeth! In the movie, the SuperMouth Squad, a team of superhero dentists, tries to stop the villainous candymaker, Cavitar, from spreading Sugar Bugs to ruin all the teeth throughout the galaxy. It was so funny and so well done! When we got home all Owen begged to use his new SuperMouth mouthbrushes and mouthpaste to brush away all the Sugar Bugs from the day. My jaw hit the ground since he is one who usually won't even use toothpaste! As a mom, I am so excited about this toothpaste because it has probiotics in it! The movie was excellent, the superheros were so funny, and on top of it, having these mouthcare products that are custom for each of my kids is amazing! Owen is enjoying brushing his teeth and that's for sure a win! We want to thank SuperMouth for making our attendance at the festival possible and brushing our teeth SUPER fun! Check out all the oral care products seen in the movie at Thanks for watching & don't forget to give us a THUMBS UP!


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Hi guys, I'm Kristine and I began documenting my journey through motherhood here on YouTube in 2011. Family Fun Pack is my family of 9 who love to travel and live life to the fullest. With new videos of our daily adventures and milestones posted regularly, you are sure be entertained on our channel. I offer parenting advice, meal ideas, travel tips and travel ideas. I like to share my parenting style along the way in a subtle way that comes across as I vlog my daily life. Our videos are authentic family fun. Thanks for following my journey though parenthood as a mom!

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#familyfunpack #oralcare #toothbrush #toothpaste