Bully Bully Bully Song 🦊 | Funny Kids Songs 😻🐨🐰🦁 And Nursery Rhymes by Baby Zoo


Bully Bully Bully Song 🦊 | Funny Kids Songs 😻🐨🐰🦁 And Nursery Rhymes by Baby Zoo with tags babies songs, baby songs, baby zoo, babyzoo, best kids songs, bully, bully song, cat, children songs, educational songs, for kids, for toddlers, hat, hat and a cat, hat and cat, i am a bully, kid songs, kids education, kids rhymes song, kids song, kids songs, kids video songs, kids videos, kitty, kitty song, living hat, nursery, oh no, police girl, popular videos for kids, rhymes songs, simple kids songs, simple songs, songs for children, songs for kids, tricks

#babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs

Hi kids! 😻

Don't be a bully if you want to have friends! Watch the video to learn how to behave if you are bullied together with Koala, Kitty, Hedgehog and Rhino!

Verse 1:

I love tricks

I love to have fun

of-of everyone

I can steal your ice-cream

Haha! Here I come!


I’m a bully-bully-bully

I will trick, I will prank you

Watch out! It’s me

I’m a bully-bully

So sneaky and cool me

Hahah! I’m a bully-bully

Verse 2:

I love tricks

I love to have fun

of-of everyone

I can ruin your drawing

Haha! Here I come!


I’m a bully-bully-bully

I will trick, I will prank you

Watch out! It’s me

I’m a bully-bully

So sneaky and cool me

Hahah! I’m a bully-bully

Verse 3:

I love tricks

I love to have fun

of-of everyone

I can take your flowers

Haha! Here I come!


I’m a bully-bully-bully

I will trick, I will prank you

Watch out! It’s me

I’m a bully-bully

So sneaky and cool me

Hahah! I’m a bully-bully

Verse 4:

I love tricks

I love to have fun

of-of everyone

I can splash water on you

No-no! What happened?


I was a bully-bully-bully

I tricked you and I pranked you

Don’t look at me

I was a bully-bully

So not cool of me

Now I’m not a bully-bully

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