Big City Greens Theme Song Takeover ๐ŸŽถ | Grandpa Nick | @disneychannel


Big City Greens Theme Song Takeover ๐ŸŽถ | Grandpa Nick | @disneychannel with tags disney channel, disney, theme songs, theme song takeover, cricket, big city greens, tilly, theme song remix, big city greens theme song, theme song takeover big city greens, big city greens theme song takeover, big city greens grandpa nick, big city greens cricket grandpa, big city greens grandpa, big city greens season 4 grandpa nick, big city greens grandpa nick theme song takeover

When the scheming Grandpa Nick shows up with a very suss "Theme Song Takeover Logo," everyone's favorite bad influence sings his version of the "Big City Greens" theme song.

Available on Disney Channel and Disney+.

#BigCityGreens #themesongtakeover #disneychannel