Berry Big Tale-Teller | Strawberry Shortcake | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Kids


Berry Big Tale-Teller | Strawberry Shortcake | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Kids with tags barbie, strawberry short cake, strawberry shortcake, strawberry shortcake berry bitty adventures, strawberry shortcake cake, strawberry shortcake cartoon, strawberry shortcake cheesecake, strawberry shortcake full episodes, strawberry shortcake full movie, strawberry shortcake games, strawberry shortcake movie, strawberry shortcake songs, strawberry shortcake theme song, strawberry shortcake toys, we are number one

At the girls' campout, Sour launches into a whopper of a yarn about the adventures she and Sweet had in the "Berry Deep Dark Forest." She tries to get Sweet to participate in spinning the tale, but Sour's over-the-top performance leaves Sweet behind. Toward the end, Sour graciously changes the story to pull Sweet into it, giving Sweet the opportunity to toss in an ad lib that makes a nice topper to Sour's story. Sweet is thrilled when everyone applauds her, even Sour, who is impressed by her contribution and proud of her sister. #StrawberryShortcake #WildBrain