Beadies - Fishies Song - Engaging Nursery Rhymes

Beadies - Fishies Song - Engaging Nursery Rhymes
We have tails and we have fins
We're so beautiful and slim
Watch us swimming left and right
In the river, blue and bright
Fishy fishy fishy fishy
Come on, you smile with me
To the left and to the right
Do the fishy dances
Wiggle your tail to the right
Take a little river dive
Now we wiggle to the left
Turn around and start again
Fishy fishy fishy fishy
Come on, won't you smile with me
To the left and to the right
Do the fishy dances
Сartoon series for kids up to four years of age. Created by a team of animators, child psychologists, teachers and parents. Beadies uses play to provide comprehensive child development while accounting for a child’s perception. Most importantly, we put our hearts into making Beadies.
Coco the Hen, Cheep, Wolfy, Foxtail, Meowser, and Hoppy all live in the magical Beadies album. Each one of them uses interaction with children to develop social, intellectual, physical, sensorial, musical, and artistic skills, while giving parents hints on how to play with their child.