Be Brave, Baby John! | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs

Be Brave, Baby John! | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs with tags firefighter, baby angel, baby john, baby songs, best kids songs, children songs, disney princess, educational kids songs, firetruck song, jill, kid videos, kids songs, kids videos, learning song, little angel, little angels, little angle, mermaid, nursery rhymes, pre school videos, preschool music, princess, princess cartoon, princess songs, princesses, sing along, songs for kids, toddler songs
Baby John learns there is nothing to be afraid of as he explores a firetruck.
#BabyJohn #SingAlongs #EducationalSongs
What is that sound I hear, hear, hear?
Oh mommy, make it disappear
The scary sound is near, near, near
Please mommy, make it disappear
Firetruck goes wee ooo wee ooo
There’s nothing to fear fear fear
When you hear wee ooo wee ooo
Firetruck is near near near
What is that sound I hear, hear, hear?
Oh mommy, make it disappear
The scary sound is near, near, near
Please mommy, make it disappear
Firetruck goes honk honk honk
But there’s nothing to fear fear fear
When you hear honk honk honk
The firetruck is near near near
What is that sound I hear, hear, hear?
Oh mommy, make it disappear
The scary sound is near, near, near
Please mommy, make it disappear
Firetruck goes beep beep beep
But there’s nothing to fear fear fear
When you hear beep beep beep
The firetruck is near near near
Firetruck goes wee ooo
wee ooo
There’s nothing to fear fear fear
When I hear wee ooo wee ooo
Firetruck is near near near
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These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.
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#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes
00:00 What is that Sound?
03:05 Playdate at the Movies
06:04 Oopsie Doopsie Song