Baby Trex Bath Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Baby Songs | Fun For Kids TV


Baby Trex Bath Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Baby Songs | Fun For Kids TV with tags nursery rhymes, best nursery rhymes, funforkidstv, kids songs, baby songs, kid songs, kindergarten songs, toddler songs, kids song, children learning, sing-along songs, kids videos, videos for babies, songs for babies, babies videos, best kids songs, baby, for kids, baby poems, baby song, kid, family, children, babies, preschoolers, videos, preschool learning, kids animation, baby trex bath song, baby t rex, bath song, trex family, t rex family song

It's Baby T rex Bath Time :)

00:02 Baby T-Rex Bath Song

02:25 Baby Shark Got A Boo Boo

05:28 Five Little Penguins

08:02 Brachiosauraus

09:59 Royal Baby Shark Doo Doo

11:49 Baby Shark Doo Doo Haloween

Bath Song Lyrics:

If you’re dirty and you know it take a bath

Splash! splash!

If you’re dirty and you know it take a bath

Splash! splash!

If you’re dirty and you know it

and you really want to clean it

If you’re dirty and you know it take a bath

if you’re dirty and you know it clean your face

Clean your face!

If you’re dirty and you know it clean your face

Close your eyes!

If you’re dirty and you know it

and you really want to clean it

If you’re dirty and you know it clean your face

If you’re dirty and you know it clean your hands and nails

If you’re dirty and you know it clean your hands and nails

If you’re dirty and you know it clean your feet and toes

If you’re dirty and you know it clean your feet and toes

If you’re dirty and you know it and you really want to clean it

If you’re dirty and you know it take a bath!!

Best Youtube kids videos playlist by Fun For KidsTV - Nursery Rhymes & Baby Songs:

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