Awesome! Annie & Suri Play Music Toys In One Contest For Kids Music


Awesome! Annie & Suri Play Music Toys In One Contest For Kids Music with tags music, play music, guitar, piano, music instruments, music box, beat, ukelele, music for kids, contest, music toys, auntie, toy, toys for kids, toys, annie, suri, for kids, video for kids, sammy, toys and colors, funny kids, funny kids video, kid stories, stories, pretend play, kidsplay, kids play

Annie and Suri love playing musical instruments. They were not taught how to play, so they initially played the musical instruments incorrectly. Afterwards, their auntie taught them how to play, but they still could not play as well as they wanted to. They started looking for a teacher to teach them and together they participated in a music contest. Suri was the best player and in the end, they all played together happily for the audience.