Awesome Animal Vets feat. Dr. Pol! | Nat Geo Kids Compilation | @natgeokids


Awesome Animal Vets feat. Dr. Pol! | Nat Geo Kids Compilation | @natgeokids with tags dr. pol, the incredible dr. pol, dr. pol, puppy, puppies, dog, dogs, puppy at the vet, vet, veterinarian, nat geo, vets, vets clinic, nat geo’s celebrity, try not to laugh, life at vet clinic, chickens, vison, weird, wild vets, weird animals, pet owner, animal x-rays, x-rays, mysteries, pets face, vets on call, veterinarians, animal patients, want to be a vet, animal vets, helping the animals, awesome animal vets, kids compilation, awesome animals, love for animals, natgeo kids

Nat Geo’s celebrity vets show us what it takes to be a veterinarian!

00:00 Try Not to Laugh

Life at a vet clinic can be funny- check out hilarious chickens, llamas, and emus.

02:21 So Gross!

You’ll be thankful smell-a-vison hasn’t been invented after watching this gross episode!

04:56 That's SO Weird!

Check out the lives of NG Wild vets working with odd, strange, and weird animals.

08:04 Be the Best Pet Owner

Learn from Nat Geo's Celebrity Vets the top 5 things that every pet owner needs to know to be the best!

11:19 Crazy Animal X-Rays

See how x-rays help vets solve all sorts of mysteries that pets face.

14:26 Vets On Call

Veterinarians go above and beyond to satisfy their animal patients’ needs.

18:00 So You Want To Be a Vet

Do you love helping animals? Learn what it takes to become a veterinarian!

About National Geographic Kids: Nat Geo Kids makes it fun to explore your world with weird, wild, and wacky videos! Videos featuring awesome animals, cool science, funny pets, and more, are made just for curious kids like you. So pick a topic you love and start watching today!

Awesome Animal Vets feat. Dr. Pol! | Nat Geo Kids Compilation | @natgeokids

National Geographic Kids