Are you able to see faces in everyday objects? - Susan G. Wardle


Are you able to see faces in everyday objects? - Susan G. Wardle with tags pareidolia, face pareidolia, illusions, illusory faces, facial features, facial recognition, visual stimuli, brain, brains, brain stimuli, brain imaging, brain imaging research, evolution, brain adaptation, magnetoencephalography, neurons, brain currents, brain signals, fusiform face area, spindle, rhesus macaque monkeys, primates, primate brain, perception, education, science, animation, susan g. wardle, oksana kurmaz, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Dig into the phenomenon of face pareidolia, which is the tendency of our brains to see faces in everyday objects.


Imagine opening a bag of chips, only to find Santa Claus looking back at you. Or turning a corner to see a building smiling at you. Humans see faces in all kinds of mundane objects, but these faces aren’t real— they're illusions due to a phenomenon known as face pareidolia. So why exactly does this happen, and how far does this distortion go? Susan G. Wardle explores why we see illusory faces.

Lesson by Susan G. Wardle, directed by Oksana Kurmaz.

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