Annie Sleepwalking Student in the School_Back To School Stories For Kids


Annie Sleepwalking Student in the School_Back To School Stories For Kids with tags sleep, sleeping, sleepwalking, wake-up, school, back to school, student, students, teacher, wake up, story, fun, friends, uncle, auntie, toy, toys for kids, toys, annie, suri, jolie, johnny, for kids, video for kids, sammy, toys and colors, funny kids, funny kids video, kid stories, stories, pretend play, kidsplay, kids play, children

Annie can only do things well when she's sleepwalking. When the kids was back to school for the new school year, Annie did very poorly in her studies, but when she was sleepwalking, she excelled.

The kids, let's watch this video to see the difference in Annie when she's awake and when she's sleepwalking!