Animals & School Double Episode | Yo Gabba Gabba | Cartoons For Kids

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Animals & School β¨ Double Episode
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00:00 - Animals
Songs: "What Is It?", "Who Made These Tracks?", "I Like to Dance (Animal Game Version)", Jingle: "Animal Sounds" by The Aggrolites; Knock-Knock Joke of the Day: "Interrupting Cow"; DJ Lance Dance: "Fox On The Run"; Storytime: "Cammy, Jenny, & Slater"; Numbers: Birds
22:22 - School
Songs: "First Day of School", "At School (Here With All My Friends)", "Time For Show And Tell"; Jingle: "What Story Do You Want To Hear?" by Dr. Dog; Mark's Magic Pictures: Crayon; Funny Face: Chin Stroke; Storytime: "Seymour the Skateboard"; Cool Tricks: Matthew on a pogo stick
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