Alice helps her best friend Stacy- story about good behavior at school


Alice helps her best friend Stacy- story about good behavior at school with tags stacy, alice and stacy, stacy and friends, elementary school, kids at school, school story, lower school, kids videos, friends at school, alice, johny, alice and friends, alice and johny, stacy and alice, kids smile tv

Stacy and her friend Alice go to the School party! But Stacy's dress turned out to be small. Alice helped her friend and gave her her dress. This story teaches children to share. Story about good behavior at school

and Importance of friendship!

Other video with princess:

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!

#kidssmileTV #Alice #stacy #aliceandstacy #videoforkids #Alicesmile #atschool #atlowerschool #BacktoSchool #behavioratschool