Adding and Subtracting by 10 and 100 Song | With Base 10 Blocks


Adding and Subtracting by 10 and 100 Song | With Base 10 Blocks with tags adding and subtracting by 10 and 100, adding by 10, adding by 100, subtracting by 10, subtracting 100, add and subtract, addition song, subtractions song, 2nd grade math, 3rd grade math

Think about this: when we add or subtract by 10, the ones place never changes.

Now think about this: when we add or subtract by 100, the ones and tens places stay the same.

Geez, that dude's voice is DEEEEP! How deep can you make your voice?

Have no idea what we're talking about? Well then you definitely need to watch the rest of the song,,haha.

Thank you for watching our Adding and Subtracting by 10 and 100 song and learning with us. Hope to see you over at the next Numberock video!