Adam’s 2nd BiRTHDAY Adventure


Adam’s 2nd BiRTHDAY Adventure with tags diana and roma, cartoon, roma and diana, diana y roma, diana roma, diana, roma, oliver, diana and roma english, kids diana show, adam, 2nd birthday, birthday

06.02.2025 Baby Adam turns 2 years old! Oliver wakes up in the morning and sees the date 🎂 Birthday 🎁 marked on the calendar. Oliver does not know whose birthday it is today and congratulates all members of his family in turn.

00:00 Adam’s 2nd BiRTHDAY Adventure

04:21 Oliver's 4th Birthday Party in BLUEY Style!

09:30 Baby Adam's 1st Birthday Party

13:55 Oliver and Mom learn to harvest berries at the farm

17:31 Adam Learns Traffic Rules

22:18 Oliver and Adam Let’s Buckle Up Story

25:07 Adam and Mom NEW Funny Stories with Sticky Tape
