A to Z Alphabet Animals Chant Part 2 with Matt | Learn Animals Names | Alphabet for Kids

A to Z Alphabet Animals Chant Part 2 with Matt | Learn Animals Names | Alphabet for Kids with tags matt, dream english kids, dreamenglish, esl, efl, preschool, kindergarten, wild animals, animals for kids, animal sounds, alphabet, animals, chant, learn english children
Learn 26 Animal names, including animals like a cow, a leopard, and a zebra finch. All New Animals from Part 1. See if you can say all the animals from A to Z, Anteater to Zebra Finch! Can you hear some animal sounds like a duck quack. Let's chant and learn! Watch the A to Z Animals Chant Part 1 here: https://youtu.be/ADVefYZQykwThis video teaches letter names and animals that start with those names. If you would like a phonics video (letter sounds) check out our Animals Phonics Video here: https://youtu.be/0-8cajWWm10Original Music by Matt Visit www.dreamenglish.com to download over 100 Free Songs and Chants for learning English.