25 English words with Meanings and Sentences


25 English words with Meanings and Sentences

00:00 Intro

00:10 Geek

00:48 Nerd

01:34 Gig

02:04 Rookie

02:44 Span

03:36 Outweigh

04:17 Drawback

04:41 Appealing

05:03 Pushy

05:39 Clingy

06:13 Dead – End

06:43 Nitpicker

07:09 Housewarming

07:31 Outstay One’s Welcome

07:56 Blindside

08:36 Layoff

09:04 Down-to-Earth

09:29 Start-Up

09:54 Ghost

10:21 Set-Up

11:00 Spot-On

11:35 Vibe

12:18 Tricky

12:48 Bid

13:15 Grab